Invitation of Expression of Interest

March 16th, 2021

Bhutan Media Foundation is pleased to invite Expression of Interest (EOI) to develop three separate Social Media Literacy Training Modules, one each for illiterate and semi-literate, for youth (high school and college students), and for working professionals. Interested individuals and firms may submit their EOI, along with the financial bid, to Executive Director before 5 pm, 1 April 2021. The EOI and the financial bid should be accompanied by the CVs of proposed consultants containing relevant qualifications and experience, and a module development framework for each module.


Social Media has become a powerful force in Bhutan but mostly a socially destructive one due to irresponsible use led by an increasing number of anonymous users. The irresponsible use of social media in Bhutan includes rampant anonymity, character assassination, defamation, personal attacks, trolls, and politicised discussions, among others. According to a nation-wide social media study we just completed, about half of the people ignored such experiences, 37% of the users blocked the offenders, and only 13% reported the matter. For a small society, these trends are feared to be detrimental to national integrity and communal harmony.

The development of the three modules will help create a critical mass of social media literate individuals at different levels who will contribute to the constructive use of social media.

Terms of reference (TOR)

 The three modules will be developed based on the findings of BMF’s ‘Nation-wide Study on Social Media Use in Bhutan’. The modules will be developed separately keeping in mind the needs of different users and the pattern of their social media use.

The consultant must be guided by the following TOR:

  1. The three Social Media Literacy Training Modules are for two days of training.
  2. The modules are meant to be used in Bhutan. Therefore, they should capture and address the challenges and opportunities related to social media content production and consumption in Bhutan.
  3. Basic Social Media Literacy Training Module is meant for rural communities, typically comprising illiterate and semi-literate population. The content and delivery of the module should be suitably tailored for their context and understanding.
  4. Intermediate Social Media Literacy Training Module is meant for high school and college students. The content and delivery of the module should be suitably tailored for their context and understanding.
  5. Advanced Social Media Literacy Training Module is meant for working professionals, including executives and politicians. The content and delivery of the module should be suitably tailored for their context and understanding.
  6. The modules should contain both theoretical and practical exercises for maximum audience engagement with examples and case studies from Bhutan.

For detailed TOR, please visit our website at

Please send your EOI to Bhutan Media Foundation, P.O. Box: 1655, Lhado Lam, Thimphu, Bhutan.


Please email it to Finance Officer, Dawa Tshering at or call him at 02331709 or 17615643